Riego Creek Elementary School
Parent Teacher Club
- Bylaws -
Article I. Name
The name of this organization shall be RIEGO CREEK PARENT TEACHER CLUB, also referred to as Riego Creek PTC or PTC.
Article II. Declaration
Riego Creek PTC makes the declaration that our bylaws are our main and only organizing document which has been approved by the governing body of our organization. These bylaws serve as our organization’s constitution and were originally adopted on March 6, 2020.
Article III. Objectives
The PTC is organized for the purpose of empowering and enriching the lives of the parents and students of this community by providing a welcoming atmosphere, creating open and clear lines of communication, equipping both parent and student with skills and opportunities for training and enrichment, advocating for the health and safety of parents, students, and teachers, as well as making available opportunities for families to serve their community.
Through its fundraising efforts, the PTC can provide funds for programs and services that benefit the school site or its curriculum. The PTC may seek to provide funding for classroom field trips, school equipment, assemblies, community events, and after school enrichment programs or clubs.
Article IV. Policies
The PTC shall be educational, non-partisan, non-profit and non-commercial. It shall not endorse anyone for office. This organization shall not attempt to influence legislation. The PTC shall not participate or intervene in any political campaign, including the publishing or distribution of statements, on behalf of any candidate for public office. The PTC will not endorse or advertise any business or service through social media with the exception of PTC donors.
The PTC shall seek neither to direct nor to control the administrative activities of the school.
Funds raised by the PTC each year must be disbursed or encumbered by the end of the school year or those funds shall revert to the PTC general fund.
The name of the PTC or the names of any members in their official capacities shall not be used in any connection with a commercial concern or with any partisan interest or for any purpose not appropriately related to promotion of the school
The property of the PTC is irrevocably dedicated to charitable purposes. Income or assets of the PTC shall not inure to the benefit of any board member or private person. The PTC can contract with individuals or companies to provide services.
The PTC does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, gender, religion, sexual orientation, disability or national origin.
The fiscal year of the PTC begins July 1 and ends June 30 of the following year. However, the treasurer will ensure taxes are filed according to current filing deadlines. As of the writing of these bylaws, the federal fiscal year is 4/1-3/31 and the state fiscal year is 1/1-12/31.
All funds shall be kept in a checking account in the name of the PTC, requiring two signatures of the Executive Board, preferably the President and the Treasurer, and held at a local financial institution. Authority to sign contracts is limited to the President or the President’s designee
The Riego Creek PTC will follow the Riego Creek PTC Monetary Policies and Procedures
Article V. Membership
Any parent or guardians of pupils attending Riego Creek Elementary School, as well as teachers or staff may become active members by default.
Membership in the Riego Creek PTC will be a family membership.
Members have the right to vote on issues of policy with guidance from the Executive Board, such as the annual budget, fundraising policies, short and long-term goals, etc.
One member per household may hold an executive board position at a time, however, a second member may serve as an event chair.
Members will be accepted at any time during the school year.
No member will be personally liable for the debts of this organization.
Article VI. Parent Teacher Club Executive Board
All members of the Executive Board, “Board,” shall be voting members except for the President who will only vote in the event of a tie. The right to vote, however, is limited to members of the Board who are actually at the meeting or by electronic media or by teleconference, as long as the action is reflected in the minutes of the next meeting.
New officers will be elected at the last general meeting of the academic year. Their terms begin July 1st. (1) Each office has a term of two years with a one-month shadow period at the end of the second year for incoming officers. (2) No person shall hold the same elective office for more than two consecutive terms, unless the office is uncontested in election. (3) To preserve the stability for the PTC, we are adapting to a staggered election. Half of the elected positions are up for elections each year after completing their 2 year term.
The President, Secretary, and VP Fundraising are elected on even years. The Events Coordinator, Treasurer and Social Media Liaison are elected on odd years.
Each Executive Board position supports another position should it be vacant. The pairs are: The President and VP of Fundraising, the Events Coordinator and the Social Media Liaison, the Secretary and the Treasurer. These pairings have similar areas of responsibilities.
Each member of the PTC Board shall be responsible for attending each regularly scheduled monthly meeting of the PTC Board. In the event that any PTC Board member misses three (3) or more of either the regularly scheduled monthly Board meetings or general meetings, the remaining members of the PTC Board may vote, with the Board’s discretion and by a two-thirds majority of the Board voting, to remove said member from the PTC Board and replace that member with another individual to fill the remaining term, notice of such replacement having been given to all members of the PTC through a school-related publication.
If and when a position becomes vacant; any member of the board is able to fill that position with a 2/3 majority vote by the board. As presented in the current Bylaws; a person can hold more than one position simultaneously, but the person cannot be both President and Treasurer.
A member of the Board may resign their position by placing their resignation in writing to the Board.
A member of the Board may be removed from their position when their affiliation is determined to undermine the objectives of the organization. Any elected officer may make a motion to have a Board member removed from his or her position. A two-thirds majority of the Board, exclusive of the Board member being considered for removal, is required to remove a member from the Board.
The Executive Board shall be composed of elected officers and appointed officer, including the following members:
President: The President shall (1) coordinate the work of the officers and committees in order that the objectives be promoted; (2) preside at all meetings of the PTC and the Executive Board; (3) assist in the selection of committee chairpersons and appointed officers; (4) make sure PTC activities are approved by the Principal and do not interfere with school activities; (5) develop agendas for meetings in consultation with the Executive Board; (6) keep parents and staff apprised of the PTC activities and act as a primary liaison between them; (7) participate in the financial audit at the end of the school year; (8) perform duties prescribed in these bylaws.
Vice President of Fundraising: The Vice President of Fundraising shall (1) serve as the fundraising coordinator for the PTC; (2) schedule the fundraisers in consultation with the administration and Board; (3) recruit chair people and committee members for fundraising events and activities; (4) plan and work with the committees in charge of fundraising events and activities; (5) facilitate communication relating to fundraising events to the school community; (6) be familiar with state and local fundraising requirements (7) Performs President’s duties in his or her absence.
Events Coordinator: The Events Coordinator shall (1) serve as the events coordinator for PTC events; (2) recruit chair people and committee members for non-fundraising events and activities; (3) plan and work with the committees in charge of non-fundraising events and activities; (4) facilitate communication relating to non-fundraising events to the school community.
Secretary: The Secretary shall (1) record the minutes of each general and Executive Board meeting; (2) prepare and provide minutes for the President and the meeting attendees; (3) maintain a current copy of bylaws and incorporate any approved amendments; (3) works in conjunction with the Treasurer in maintaining the Club’s financial records which includes (a) collect and be the custodian of the funds of the Club and be responsible for depositing them into accounts in a financial institution designated by the Board; (b) keep a ledger of all receipts and deposits and provide those records to the auditor at the end of the school year. (c) Collect all reimbursement/funds requests and provide them to the President and Treasurer for approval. (4) perform other such functions as may be incident to the office or designated by the President. The Secretary also functions as the PTC Historian. These responsibilities include (1) keep a record of all PTC events; (2) collect and collate all mention of PTC activities that may appear in local media and compile an annual review of all events at the close of the year; (3) coordinate Club records with the yearbook committee if needed; (4) put together the PTC newsletter.
Treasurer: The Treasurer works in conjunction with the Secretary in maintaining the Club’s financial records. The Treasurer shall (1) reconcile the bank account(s) every month; (2) In conjunction with the Secretary, be the custodian of all financial records; (3) Disburse funds only upon order of the Board; (4) present financial statements to the Board at their regular meetings and an annual report at the spring meeting; (5) present the Club’s financial records to the auditor at the end of the year; (6) work in conjunction with the President and the Secretary to complete all tax information required for the fiscal year in which they hold office. The Treasurer will file both state and federal tax forms annually within 45 days of each designated fiscal year end, as well as CA State Department of Justice annual registration of a non-profit and ensure that these filings are done timely to avoid fees and termination of the non-profit designation.
Social Media Liaison: The Social Media Liaison shall (1) create and maintain the electronic communication channels (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Schools Swifts, etc.) in cooperation with the Secretary and upon authorization of the President and Administrative Representative; (2) oversee the construction and maintenance of the PTC website; (3) create event pages and supporting event documentation in coordination with the VP of events; (4) perform other such functions as may be incident to the office or designated by the President.
Administrative Representative: The Principal of Riego Creek Elementary School is the Administrative Representative to the PTC and works closely with the President to coordinate and approve all events, meetings, fundraisers and policies. The School Principal shall provide advice and suggestions to the executive board and general membership on matters pertaining to the school administration or the school site and its programs, services, or activities. The School Principal shall not be a signer on any PTC accounts or act as a member of the executive board.
The Board of Directors by a simple majority vote of those in attendance at a regular general meeting may create committees of members or Board members deemed necessary to promote the objectives and carry on the work of the PTC. Notice of each new Board member or committee formation shall be given to all members of the PTC at PTC general meetings. The Chairperson of each committee shall present a plan of work to the Board for approval. No committee work shall be undertaken without the consent of the Board by a simple majority vote of those in attendance at a regular general meeting.
Article VII. Election Procedures
Notice of the Election Procedures and a copy of the PTC Bylaws will be published to the school community and posted and available in the office at least two weeks prior to the PTC meeting when the election will be held.
All parents, guardians or family members with a student who will be attending Riego Creek for the upcoming academic year that are interested in one of the elected officer positions must submit their application to the Principal pursuant to the Election Procedures. Nominations will not be taken from the floor at the general election meeting.
The general election meeting to elect the next year’s officers will be held at the final PTC meeting of the current school year. The date and time will be determined and posted in advance. All those in attendance will be deemed voting members for the purpose of the election. Officers shall be elected by a simple majority vote and announced prior to the conclusion of the final PTC meeting of the current school year and published to the school community.
The Principal will provide the names of the individuals that have applied for each position to the Secretary. The Secretary will prepare the ballot and make copies available at the last general meeting of the academic year. The Principal and/or staff appointed by him/her will be responsible for processing and announcing the outcome of the elections. Those running for an elected position will not be allowed to tally votes.
Any changes to the Elections Procedures must be voted upon by a majority of the elected board members.
Article VIII. Meetings
The PTC will hold quarterly general meetings throughout the school year.
Closed PTC board meetings will be held monthly.
Summer meetings may be held at the discretion of the President.
Special meetings may be held at the discretion of the Board. Notice of such meetings must be given to all Board members and general members.
Members of the PTC present shall constitute a quorum for regular and special meetings of membership providing there are a minimum of 50% of the PTC Executive Board present.
Article IX. Purchases & Expenditures
All regular expenditures of proceeds of the PTC must be approved in accordance with the current year’s budget by a majority of the Board members.
All requests for reimbursement or payment must be submitted to the Secretary using the designated form and proof of payment signed by an executive board member. See Riego Creek PTC Monetary Policies & Procedures.
Board members, members and volunteers of the PTC shall not be paid from the treasury for volunteering their time in any capacity.
A Board member, a PTC member or a volunteer to the PTC shall be reimbursed for reasonable expenditures incurred in accordance with the current year’s budget after an approved reimbursement form has been submitted. However, a board member cannot sign a check for their own personal reimbursement.
A PTC member or volunteer to the Riego Creek Elementary School or PTC may submit bids to perform professional services provided that the vendor chosen to perform those services was selected based on the good of the school, without preferential treatment to members. The selection of vendors shall be fair, impartial and voted upon by the Board and/or membership.
With the exception of monthly website maintenance fees and Square/PayPal fees, there will be no automatic bill pay from the PTC checking account. Debit cards are to be used only to verify accounts or transfer incoming funds from accounts (i.e., PayPal, Square), or for board approved purchases in which a check cannot be used as a form of payment. Otherwise, checks will only be used in payment.
Disposition of assets: Any materials and/or equipment purchased as a result of PTC fundraising by any parent, teacher, or administrator, becomes the property of Riego Creek Elementary School and is not for the personal use of that parent, teacher, or administrator.
Article X. Amendments
These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the membership present at any regular meeting, providing notice has been given at the previous regular meeting.
Article XI. Authorization
The Riego Creek Elementary School Parent Teacher Club shall exist at the invitation of the Riego Creek Elementary School and as recognized by Roseville City School District.
Article XII. Termination
If at any time the PTC does not function in the best interest of the Riego Creek Elementary School, the PTC may be dissolved. Upon dissolution of the PTC, assets remaining in the PTC’s treasury shall be distributed for any exempt purpose(s) pursuant to Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or pursuant to corresponding section(s) of any future federal tax code, that serves the needs of students attending schools administered by the Roseville City School District. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by a court of competent jurisdiction in the county in which the principal office of the organization is then located exclusively for such purposes or to such organization(s), as said court shall determine which are organized and operated for such purposes.
Article XIII. Exempt Status
Riego Creek Parent Teacher Club is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes including, for such purposes, the making and distributions that qualify as exempt organizations under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.
Article XIV. Parliamentary Authority
The Riego Creek PTC will govern by Roberts Rules of Order in all cases in which they are applicable and not in conflict with these bylaws.
Revision Year: 2024